English Urdu Dictionary Offline Plus Translator has been rated 4.5 stars by users within Google Play Store for its high quality service and features.

The developer of English Urdu Dictionary Offline Plus Translator has taken great care to convert the text from any other language to English and has made the application quite user friendly.

English Urdu Dictionary Offline Plus Translator was one such paid app which was downloaded by users quite easily. As per Google Android market, there are many Android applications can be downloaded free of cost but paid apps are also available in the Android Market. In fact English is the major language of the Indian Army.Įnglish Urdu Dictionary Offline Plus Translator has been downloaded from Google Play Store, which was one of the first apps to be launched after Google's latest app suite, Android Market. This language is widely used in the Indian politics, media, finance, and other industries. Urdu is a language of India spoken by the people of Pakistan, India, and other parts of India and Pakistan. English Urdu Dictionary Offline Plus Translator offers a very efficient translators for all sorts of Urdu related phrases. English Urdu Dictionary Offline Plus Translator is among the most popular Android application in current category published in Google Play Store.