If you make a drag selection anticlockwise, then whatever entities or objects that come in the path of the selection would get selected. If you make the selection clockwise, then it would window select objects that are fully contained within the selection. Lasso tool is great for selecting complex objects. The best part is that you can search tools of the extensions you would install into Sketchup. For example, if you search for ‘Extrude’, then the push/pull tool would show up. You can also search by the context in Sketchup if you don’t know what exactly what you’re searching for. The default keyboard shortcut is “Shift + S” This is a super useful feature for tools that have less usage in Sketchup and you get to keep most of your toolbars switched off as well. Use the arrow keys to sort through the list and press the ‘enter’ key to activate the commands. Now you can search for your favourite tools in the “Getting Started” toolbar which would potentially save time in your day-to-day modelling workflows. The search tool is a great addition to Sketchup. (I’ve arranged the new tool features in order of what I feel would benefit me in my daily workflow – Starting with what I liked most to the my least favourite features). Now, let’s learn the top new tools Sketchup 2022 has to offer.

Niraj works as the Enterprise Customer Success Manager at Sketchup. Before we start, shoutout to Niraj Poudel who is the new scale Figure for Sketchup 2022.